Our Programme

Phase 1
Establish a Research Platform through a national hui and systematic reviews to document knowledge and research gaps about equitable access to evidence-based heart health interventions across the healthcare continuum.

Phase 2
Conduct integrated qualitative-quantitative studies, beginning with three foundation studies in primary; pre-hospital; and post-hospital care.

Phase 3
Develop a Quality-Improvement-Equity Roadmap to reduce access barriers to evidence-based CVD care along the patient journey.
Foundation Projects

Cardiovascular risk assessment and management in primary care
- Who is getting cardiovascular risk assessments in primary care?
- How can we ensure management of cardiovascular risk is equitable?
- What are the experiences of Māori and Pacific peoples and whanau in primary care?

Pre-hospital care for a cardiac event in the community
- What is known about the presence of and contributors to ethnic disparities in access to care following out-of-hospital cardiac events?
- What are the delays to evidence-based care for Māori and Pacific peoples experiencing cardiac events in the community?
- What are the experiences of patients and whānau of pre-hospital care?
- What are the experiences and perspectives of paramedics and other pre-hospital care providers?

Post-discharge and long-term management of heart failure
- What is known about heart failure (epidemiology, management, experience) among Māori and Pacific people in Aotearoa?
- What are the experiences of Māori and Pacific patients and whanau of heart failure management?